For Developers

SOAP Responses

This section describes the structure of a response to the D&B Web Services Gateway (WSG) request.

In response to an action request, WSG returns an XML data structure that contains the results of the request.

Structure of a SOAP Response

The response message is returned in an XML element named after the action. For example, the getProduct action returns a response element named getProductResponse.

If a request is successful, a StatusInformation element is returned (as a child of the main response element) containing a Status element with a value of 13646.

If a request is unsuccessful, the response element named StatusInformation, contains a Status element with the value 13651, with accompanying elements.

Each Error includes:

  • ErrorMessageCode A Code that identifies the type of error that occurred
  • ErrorSeverityCode A Code to indicate the Severity of the Error

Example SOAP Responses

Normal Response
Example XMLClick here to show an example of a successful response. Although you probably won't build the SOAP message for a service request manually, it is useful to see what your SOAP toolkit tries to produce when provided with the appropriate values.
Error Response
Example XMLClick here to show an example of an error response:

Further Reading

D&B Web Services